About Safe Mobility 4 All and 4 Life

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The Global Initiative Safe Mobility 4 All and 4 Life is a collaborative project between the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA), and FIA Foundation to tackle diverse aspects of road safety through training, capacity-building, research, knowledge mobilization, ultimately to inform decision making and public policy.

As a global impact initiative, it is inspired to leave a legacy in developing countries in terms of improving professional capacities and local engagement about the importance of mobility and road safety

Mision Statement

To enhance global smart, sustainable, affordable and safe mobility through innovative learning solutions, comprehensive training, and strategic partnerships, ensuring lifelong smart and safe mobility for all individuals and communities.


A world where every journey is safe, sustainable, and affordable for all, achieved through collaborative efforts and cutting-edge education in road safety and mobility.


Contribute to the reduction of 50% of injuriesand deaths due to road accidents in the world, within the decade of action for road safety proclaimed by United Nations in 2020.

Implementation of risk prevention programmes for all and for all lifelong.

To enable access to smart and responsible mobility for all members of society.

Commitment to the United Nations in helping the most disadvantaged countries.

Develop training programs to build capacity for professionals and leaders and promote international meetings and forums for the exchange of knowledge. Establish a comprehensive Global Training Platform to tackle mobility and road safety challenges.

Promote in-countries pilot projects to ensure an effective implementation of the knowledge transfer.

Create a global community of Mobility and Road Safety professionals & practitioners.



Program designed to attend the specific requirements of the 4 different targeted beneficiary groups:

Thematic areas



To support holistic action and, inclusive and comprehensive approaches involving multiple road users, sectors that consider vehicles, users, and the road environment, the purpose of Safe Mobility 4 All & 4 Life is to develop a global and a series of supportive mobility and road safety learning resources. The Portal will be the entry point to learning offerings and provide accessible information on the global response to mobility and road crashes to everyone.


33 countries representing 652 million people currently have lawson the use of child restraints that align with best practices.

Only 22 countries rate their enforcement of child restraint laws as “good” (eight or above on a scale of zero to ten) and only 35 collect data on child restraint use.

No low-income countries have laws on the use of child restraint systems that meet best practices.


Each day 500 children are died in preventable traffic crashes around the world. Sometimes they are killed just yards from the school entrance. (Source: Star Ratings for school)

A joint study from Safe Kids Worldwide and Fed Ex found that crosswalks were missing in 3 out of 10 school zones. It was also discovered that only 4 in 10 school zones had posted speed limits of 20 mph or below. (Safe KidsWorldwide). (Source: Alarming Dangers in School Zones. 2016. Scope (USA) Safe Kids Worldwide)

Improvements in school surroundings must include infrastructure upgrading and the awareness of all users.

Young adults: Many unintentional injuries such as road traffic and drowning are the leading cause of deathand disability among adolescents.

In 2019, 115,000 adolescents (10–19 years) died as a result of road traffic accidents. Many of those who died were vulnerable road users, including pedestrians, cyclists, or users of motorized two-wheelers.

Employees: Work-related high Traffic Accident Rate.

Invites Member States to develop public policies to decrease work-related mobility and road traffic crashes, with the participation of employers and workers, in order to enforce international standards on safe mobility and health at work, road safety, and adequate road and vehicle conditions, giving particular attention to the issue of professional drivers, including the working conditions of commercial vehicle drivers. (A/ RES/74/299). (Source WHO).

Up to 40% of road deaths in Europe are work-related. (Pin Flash 2017 ETSC). Source: ETSC)

Ageing Persons: Mobility challenges and Road Fatalities among Senior Citizens are increasing.

While the number of road deaths decreased by 6% for adults aged 25-64, it increased for the senior population. This increase amounted to 7% for seniors aged 65-74 and 6% for senior saged 75 and over.

However, in several countries, seniors aged 75 and over now constitute the age group withthe highest road mortality rate.

This trend is particularly visible in Korea. There, people aged 75 and above have a mortality rate of 27.2 per 100 000, four times higher than the average population.


The participants in the program will include mobility and road safety practitioners, policymakers, professionals, and leaders from both the public and private sectors, particularly those in developing countries and vulnerable regions such as Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS).